Hello 2016

When I think about 2015, I just remember a blur of details. It was a normal year. It had its ups and downs as usual. All in all it was a good year.

  • I was very happy about my parents visit in the summer. We went to a number of places here and it was a wonderful trip. Initially they weren’t planning on coming but, I really wanted them to come. They agreed to come just to make me happy. Aren’t they wonderful parents?
  • That fact that I was able to work freelance and get a decent client base. Getting the opportunity to work freelance is something I really cherish. Not everybody can make that choice. Freelancing finally gave me the freedom I wanted with my work and my time and I’ll say that that extra time was definitely well spent by volunteering at Sarath’s school and reading some new books.
  • I spent a lot of time with the kids after school. This is something I know I will cherish for many years to come. Thanks to my freelancing career, now I get a lot of time to spend with the kids. One thing I would like to do this year is to make more effective use of that time so that I can actually do all the activities I want to do with the kids.
  • I lost close to 6 lbs just by controlling my diet. This was a great achievement for me. I started maintaining a food log and though initially, it was difficult, I did manage to go with it for about 6 – 8 weeks. S did it with me and both of us lost weight. I am happy to say that I reduced a dress size and my tummy finally shrunk a few inches. Unfortunately, I did not exercise properly at all and after the 8 weeks, we lost the interest and both of us are now back to where we started 😦 The biggest resolution of this year is to eat reasonably and exercise regularly. I know that it is easier said than done but, I do want to make it a priority.
  • The one thing I regret about last year is that I did not blog about all the things I wanted to. Initially, I told myself that I do not have the time to blog. But, later I realized that I do have the time, I just need to use it efficiently. So, this year I plan to write regularly. That said, if I do this blogathon without missing a day, I am going to treat myself 🙂

There are a couple of things that I am looking forward to in 2016. Sanjay will start his kindergarten this September. I cannot believe that my baby is already going to be in school and I will be a mom of two school going kids!!! A bitter sweet moment for me. The other biggest thing is that I am going to be an aunt 🙂 My brother and sis-in-law are expecting their first baby this March. I am terribly sad that I won’t be there to see the baby as soon as he/she is born but, I am super excited as well. That baby is going to be pampered like crazy. I already have ideas about what to buy for the baby and I have enough things to fill a big box.

So, here’s wishing you all a Happy and Fun filled New Year. Hope all your wishes come true 🙂

A very relaxing day

Today I decided to take it easy. I did not make a work plan for today nor did I work on anything useful. It was very relaxing. Just regular stuff like cooking, cleaning, laundry etc.. I got a jump start at the pile of laundry which usually sits in our laundry room until Saturday morning. Guess what… I am half way done with this week’s laundry. I did get a lot of time to read some magazines, surf on the internet and do some research on publishing children’s books. Although even after all that surfing and calling a few people, I am still where I was and do not have a clue about what needs to be done to get started on books.

I did exercise for 45 minutes and it feels really good. I relaxed the whole day and in the evening could not decide on what to make for dinner. I wanted something different today. So, I made instant dosa. It is very simple, quick and healthy. It turned out very nice.

Well, I have a lot of work for the weekend and hope I can get it all done before Monday. So, have a great weekend.

How weather affects our lives..

I have been checking the weather regularly for the last four days. It said it is going to be sunny and 390 today. I was so happy that finally the temperatures are warming up. Every year the lake Mendota and Lake Monona freeze in winter and we always go and walk on the lake. So, we planned on doing it today. All was well until today morning.

Today I woke up only to see that there was no Sun and no hope of sun today. I immediately checked the weather and it said partly cloudy. It is 11:30 AM and I am still waiting for the sun to show up. Then I realized that we hadn’t bought snow pants for my son (which we had been planning or months now). So, until we buy that, we cannot take him in the snow or on the lake. So, now I am trying to cheer up and should probably utilize this time to scrapbook or something else.

It says tomorrow is going to be sunny. Do you think I should believe the weather man?? I am not so sure…

This past month

Well it’s been almost a month since my last post. Well I have been kind of busy and also did not have a lot to write. Well, the holidays were good. My best friend and her husband had come over for a couple of days and we had a lot of fun.

Then for New Year’s we went to the Mall of America. We drove to Minneapolis. It was so freaking cold that weekend. But we had fun at the mall. We saw the underwater aquarium, did some shopping. My son was happy to see all the fishes and was very happy to see Dora and Spongebob in the Nickelodeon Universe.

We celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary that weekend.

Now that we are back from the holidays I am trying to get as much work done as possible with my son around. Me and my husband also decided to take up an exercise routine (as the last time I started it in December did not last more than a week). We started it this week. Lets hope we motivate each other.

That was the whole month in a few words. I plan to write more in my blog this year. Let’s see 🙂